Monday, September 17, 2007

Blog Ecclesiastes, Chapter 6

7 All man's efforts are for his blog,
      yet his blog roll is never satisfied.

8 What advantage has a Word Press site
      over a Blogger account?
      What does a poor lurker gain
      by knowing how to conduct himself before other commenters?

9 Better what the eye sees
      than the roving of the aggregator.
      This too is meaningless,
      a chasing after the RSS feed.

10 Whatever exists has already been blogged,
      and what man is has been archived;
      no man can contend
      with one who writes longer comments than he.

11 The more the Google Ads,
      the less the blogosphere respect,
      and how does that profit anyone?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One of Life's Mysteries Solved

This hit me last night - an answer to one of life's biggest questions. (If this has been covered somewhere else, and I am just stealing someone else's idea here that I just can't remember.. I apologize). The big question:

"Which came first - the chicken or the egg?"

The answer is quite simple, but depends on if you are a creationist or an evolutionist. If you believe in creationism, then God created all animals first, so the chicken was created by God first, and then laid the first egg.

If you are an evolutionist, then you believe the egg came first. Basically, as an evolutionist, you would believe that animals evolve and change over time - either as small changes in DNA slowly cause the creature to change, or major mutations cause quick changes every now and then (punctuated equilibrium). So, at some point you had a creature that was part chicken, but was still technically a majority of something else (lizard, some other bird, whatever). Then, this creature has a mutated egg that slightly or quickly pushes the amount of chicken in it's genes into the majority column, and survival of the fittest dictates that the new chicken creature survives extinction, while the pre-chicken beast is killed off by mother nature. So, the egg came first.

Life's biggest question, answered. Where's my Nobel Prize?

Now playing: Ocean Blue - Ayn
via FoxyTunes